Monday, November 5, 2012

As my good friend Marshall Drum would say, Merica!

I know a lot of my friends and people love to abbreviate saying America to just Merica. People ask why do that, and there is just a simple response to that; because we can. Merica!

All throughout high school whether it was at lunch, or my 11th grade U.S. History class my good buddy Marshall would love to just say Merica(still does). To the point where it was like a daily ritual for him to speak his mind about America and rep those good ol' colors of the red, white and blue. Merica!

He also used that Howard Dean byah at the end which made it even better. Merica, byah ...just see the link below and you'll understand what I'm talking about!!


As much as I love that kid, this is not about Mr. Drum, sorry Marshall. However, Marshall did teach me a very important lesson (and for those of you who know Marshall, that might be hard to believe..but's it true). Actually, Marshall taught me one of the most valuable lessons that I think I've ever picked up from another person; the idea of being patriotic and being an American. Marshall in his funny way of doing it, taught me that there is really no other greater country than this, no matter what anyone else says.

We have freedoms that countries, that people consider super powers, don't have and I'm proud that we do.

Recently, my roommates and I have been saying Merica a lot and it really brought me back to those high school days of when Marshall would always say that, and add the byah! It's also made me realize that an election is coming up and today we are on the eve of a very important election.

I'm not going to preach to you about who you should vote for, that's your God given right to have your opinion as a Merican to vote for who you want to vote for; a key element in this is VOTING.

After reading numerous Twitter feeds and Facebook posts, it's apparent that we have a lot of ignorant, not well informed people, but that's a different subject for another day. Point is that if you're 18 and you are constantly on Twitter and Facebook bitchong about how Obama is no good and Romney is an idoit, STOP BITCHING on them and go to a voting booth and express your displeasure and feelings that way.

It's vital that as young people especially in America,  the Land of the Free, that we vote and don't give the answer of " I don't care for politics" or "My vote won't matter," it's important that we be aware as early as we can be so we can effect our future and not have other people and countries dictate what we do from here on out.

I guess in a way, recently thinking about those lunches and classes, Marshall has kind of been a symbol of having a civil duty as Mericans to do what we are supposed to do as citizens of this great nation.

We need to be unified as a country, and a great way of being unified is voting. Love our country, do your job, and vote. Thanks Marshall, something that was done for laughter, was a great teacher! Merica, byaaahhhh !!!!

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