Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Continue on and LIVESTRONG, I know I will

Today, Nike decided to cut ties with Cycling icon Lance Armstrong. As you may well know, Armstrong won seven straight Tour de France's from 1999 to 2005 and became a cycling legend. Winning that many was really impressive, but that wasn't the amazing achievement Armstrong accomplished.

Armstrong was diagnosed with testicular cancer on October 2, 1996 at just 25 year of age. His cancer spread through his entire body infecting his lungs, abdomen, and brain. After going through numerous surgeries to fix the problem, his doctors only gave him less than a 40% chance of living.

After going through numerous chemotherapy, beat the less than 40% odds and beat cancer officially in January of 1998 just a year and half before winning the first of many Tour de France's.

Many have questioned Lance Armstrong's win as a cyclist because recently the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)  formally stripped him of his seven titles. Citing that he failed a drug test in 2009 and 2010 from blood tests, and having 11 of his former teammates testify on sworn affidavits that Armstrong was doping and giving them the drugs as well. Armstrong failed to appeal the decision and was just tired of fighting this process.

The real problem is not with the fact that Armstrong was doping because really no one care. Everyone in cycling dopes, they should just make it legal in the sport and call it a day. The real problem I have is that Nike decided to drop Armstrong after everything he has done for cancer.

I understand he doped and he cheated, I get that. what I don't get is how Nike can drop a man who has raised over $1 billion dollars through his foundation for cancer research. It's a sad day when you see Nike hold on to a man who cheated on his wife and publicly humiliated himself and his family in front of billions of people around the world, but let go of a man who has raised money and as much awareness to a cause that hold true and dear to our hearts.

Lance Armstrong instilled a very powerful message for those who had cancer, as well as to people who do not have or will never have it; LIVESTRONG.

The yellow wristband that became a phenomenon is not just something that we just put around our wrists, it is a symbol to those who need to live another day. It's for those who need to see a message of hope and to remember that there will be a tomorrow.

I love wearing Nike products and will probably continue to have the swoosh on my socks, shoes, jacket, shirt, shorts, hat, and whatever else they make, but I do think Nike needs to realize the message that they do send to people. 

I understand that for them, no name is bigger than the brand, but for this kind of cause Americans and people around the world have accepted the fact that Lance Armstrong is a universal face as well as a universal spokesman for cancer.

I hope this move Nike made, does not stop them in helping and pushing for more cancer research. It would be really sad if it did. I also hope this does not deter Lance from doing his thing with cancer research because there is a whole lot of people that will need that urgent and simple messaging of LIVESTRONG!


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